A couple of weeks ago my cousin Losehina got married in the Mesa, AZ temple. Anuanu and I were in her line so we went down a week early to help her get everything together. Lose is my first cousin. Our mother's are sisters so we've been close all our lives. It was so much fun to see my cousin get married in the temple and to see her so happy! I have TONS of first cousins on my mom's side(like most polynesians, I'm sure) and most of them are girls, so there's never a dull moment when we all get together. Here's a couple pictures from the wedding.
Stuart and Losehina Aetonu
Stuart and Losehina Aetonu
Lose's older sister Finau passed away back in 2001 at the age of 17. She was my closest friend and cousin. So we decided to visit her grave with the wedding party to take pictures. It really was bittersweet for all of us.
So as you might be able to see from the pictures, I also decided to chop my hair off. A couple nights before I left to AZ I had what I like to refer to as a "Revelation" that I needed to cut my hair. I had taken my hair down to braid when I was watching Semisi one night and he looked at me like I was a stranger! He was fascinated by this new and exciting substance that had suddenly sprouted from my head. He was touching it and laughing as if he'd never seen hair before! At least not on me. And then the thought occurred to me that I had pretty much had my hair in a bun since the day he was born. That was when I decided that I would chop it off. I figured if I cut it short enough to where I couldn't manage a bun, that I would make more of an effort to actually style it. And being short it would be alot EASIER to style. So I did it. It's never been this short in my life, but I figure it's just hair; it'll grow back right? And I feel like I look a little more like a mom and more my age. I like it. I might even think about going a little shorter...gasp...maybe not. haha